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Kick Wax

Best for new fallen snow with temperatures ranging from 34F/32F (1C/0C). Or old snow 32F/25F (0C/-4C).
Universal VM klister is actually for a wide range of conditions. It is suitable for coarse transformed snow from -3C to 10C (26F/50F)
Best for new fallen snow with temperatures ranging from 32F/38F (3C/0C). Or old snow 34F/28F (1C/-2C).
A base binder used to improve the longevity of kick wax layered on top. Apply the binder to the base before applying the wax of the day.
Universal Silver klister is designed for a wide range of conditions from moist fine snow to frozen coarse snow. (-5C/3C, 23F/38F)
KX75 is a klister for very wet and transformed snow in the temperature range of 2C/15C (36F / 59F).
KX20 is designed to be used as a first layer to bind further layers of klister to the ski.
Best for wet snow and glazed/icy tracks with temperatures ranging from 36F/41F (2C/5C).
Good for wet snow or new snow with high moisture content. New snow 34-38 degrees F - 1-3 degrees C Old snow 32-36 degrees F - 0-2 degrees C
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